

By the end of this exercise, you will be able to create an end-to-end testing scenario for the login process using several different user accounts in qTest Manager. You will also be able to create and use Data Sets.

Why is this important?

This Scenario will give you the opportunity to practice the concepts learned during the training.
This environment and set of instructions mimic more closely the project environment and tasks distribution.
Additionally, Data Sets are very important when our goal is to generate a high number of combinations with a given set of variables for our tests

Project Perspective

Your manager is asking you to test the login process for our Web Shop.
To do so, you will be using 4 different valid sets of usernames and passwords.


Create a new Release

Field Value
Name New Account
Status In Progress
Start Date Today
End Date 15 days from Today
Description Testing of the login functionality added to the Web Shop
Release Note The login functionality will be tested using a valid set using valid usernames and passwords

Create a new Requirement under the “New Account” Release.

Field Value
Name User Login
Status New
Priority Must Have
Type Functional
Assigned to Yourself
Description As a user I should be able to log into the application, using a valid username and password

Create a new Test Case to cover for the Requirement “User Login”.

Field Value
Name New User Login
Description Test the login functionality of the Web Shop using valid usernames and passwords
Type Manual
Precondition Navigate to the login page of the application. Username and Password used must be correct

Add the following Test Steps to the Test Case:

Test Case Test Step # Step Description Expected Result
New User Login 1 Open the Web Shop application using the URL: A user can open the Web Shop using the URL provided
2 Click on login A user is able to navigate to the Login session of the Web Shop
3 Enter Username A user is able to enter the Username for the Login
4 Enter Password A user is able to enter the Password for the Login
5 Click on “Login” button A user is able to click on the “Login” button and successfully login to the account.

Create 2 separate Parameters, 1 for “LoginUsernames” and 1 for “LoginPasswords”

Parameter Name Description Value
Login Usernames These are the Usernames for the registered accounts in the Web Shop. User1@sample.test
Login Passwords These are the Passwords for the registered accounts in the Web Shop. Password 1
Password 2
Password 3
Password 4

Create a Data Set using the “LoginUsernames” and “LoginPasswords” Parameters

Name Description Combination Type
Login Credentials Set of Valid Usernames and Passwords Generate Unique Combinations

Generate Test Runs for the Test Case “New User Login”
Execute the Test Runs and log any Defect if found.